Focal Point. Chapter 1 Part 2


smallpinkdotsWelcome to Wednesday Briefs which is a feature on my blog where I share a piece of flash fiction for you, and link you to some other amazing authors.

Focal Point Chapter 1 Part 1


I watched Cal leave, finding the table to be a little too big once he was gone. I flipped open my notebook that my laptop had been resting on and started scrawling down notes on the idea that he had given me. Art and photography were very much ‘my thing’, as soccer and anything athletic belonged to Cal. When we were kids I had an old point and shoot camera that took film and we’d spend hours in the woods behind my house hiking and taking pictures of nature—which often ended up being photos of my thumb or finger.

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Tide Pull (Wednesday Briefs)



Welcome to my weekly Wednesday Brief flash fiction entry! This is just a free piece of flash fiction (between 500-1,000) words based off of a prompt. I’m part of a wonderful group of flashers 😉 and I’ll have a link to a site where you can read other stories, after my piece.


A light breeze tugged with the tangle of curls that refused to be tamed by any sort of hair tie. She stood on the beach, the sand working its way between her toes, weight on her heels, allowing herself to sink into the warmth. The water was crystal clear and calm, stretching out until sea met sky in a blurry horizon line. She started forward, toes curling to find a grip as she struggled to keep her balance.

“You really don’t have land legs do you, Aggie?”

She pursed her lips, “You should be on the ship.”

“Someone’s on it.”


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